Category Archives: TLH Blog

This post is in reply to the blog of Thomas L. Horrocks. Follow the link to read his post. Yo Thomas, I am glad to see that you are applying some of that Greek knowledge…lol. Luke is not the easiest book to translate for sure. But I checked through your translation and I think it is pretty good. I like it. I do not have any real critiques of your work. Well done my friend!…haha. BTW you should have referenced your translation among the professional ones.  🙂 The “Annunciation,” as it has been commonly called in Christian history,­ is really an amazing part of the Gospel story. I thought about a few different things that I have not considered before as I read through it again recently. One thing that stuck out in my mind was that when the angel proclaimed to Mary that she will conceive a child in…

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This post is in reply to the blog of Thomas L. Horrocks. Follow the link to read his post. Hey Thomas, Great post brother! This is an incredibly important issue among nearly every Christian circle. I think that the “It’s cool to be cruel” mindset has its derivative in “I like to be right” attitude. How many people really see anything wrong with pointing the finger or exposing a wrong belief with a little derision on the side? I would figure that even if people would raise their hand and affirm that something is wrong with it, they are guilty of it in practice. I believe there is an undue, detrimental spirit of pride that accompanies inappropriate loyalty to a church, ministry, organization, group, or religion that fuels a separatist ethos which in turn is manifested as an elitist ideology. We see this disposition predominating in conversations where people enjoy…

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This post is in reply to the blog of Thomas L. Horrocks. Follow the link to read his post. Great post Thomas! We all need to be in a constant state of examining ourselves in this matter. Our heart can be so easily led astray and in this world we fight every day to resist falling down into the pleasures, distractions, and busyness of life and misplacing the priority of God’s will with other things. Obedience is important: true! That is the mark that Jesus is the Lord of your life: if you choose to follow him. But, as you point out, following Jesus is not strictly about doing what is right but doing it with a transformed heart; a heart that desires to please their Savior and be his disciple. I believe that if we served and worshipped in our churches and fellowships with this attitude and disposition of…

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This post is a reply to the blog of Thomas L. Horrocks. Follow the link to read his post. Hey Thomas, You have already been a great conversation partner in biblical studies for me and I count it a great privilege to be able to enter into dialogue over the “sticky” issues of the faith with you. I posit that our faith cannot grow if we back away from what we do not feel comfortable questioning or investigating when it comes to matter of faith. It is only when we venture outside our false sense of security with contemporary paradigms of Christianity that we will ever reach a true understanding of what it means to follow Jesus. Anselm of Canterbury (AD 1033–1109), the renowned Christian philosopher and theologian, had a motto that I believe holds a paramount concept for how we should approach faith. When it comes to asking questions…

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