~ Lyrics ~ |
It’s too high to measure, it’s too great a treasure longer than forever, it’s inconceivable Big enough to live in, deep enough to swim in How high Your love It’s coming down like rain, it’s calling out my name Your love is better than life |
If we truly knew the full extent of God’s love, if we were shown how fathomless and enormous it was, we would be immediately overwhelmed and would fall speechless on our knees with only one thought penetrating our soul—“How can this be?” How can I be loved this way? How can God love me this much?
The fullness of God’s love is incomprehensible! It is too high, too deep, too great for us to grasp. It is inconceivable! Our minds cannot envelope the idea of something so foreign and infinite.
His love lasts forever, is unchangeable, and is beyond our understanding. That is why a perfect love like his is “Better than Life.” Sweeter and more precious than life is his love. I would trade everything life has to offer if that’s what it takes to have his love. No price is too steep to pay for a love that overcomes all and triumphs over sin and death itself. It covers and surrounds me and is my silent companion even though I do not ask for it, but yet desperately yearn for it. That perfect love is the most valuable treasure to ever have existed and it is MINE and it is YOURS and nothing can change that!
I think this song describes God’s love in the almost the greatest way possible but is only the smallest infinitesimal fraction of how great his love truly is. It inspires me to never take for granted such an awesome love that shines down upon me and you even if it is beyond my comprehension. It will take the rest of eternity to learn even the next smallest portion of what his love consists of and how immeasurable it truly it.
So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory.
Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.
So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands.