Forum User Policy

Hello! We are excited that you are interested in participating in our forums.  ðŸ™‚

The forums on this site are designed to be discussion boards where Christian believers can propose, question, and evaluate evidence and reasons for interpreting passages and topics in the Bible and any subject pertaining to the Christian faith. While casual conversations can contain any manner of information and opinions, if you desire to be part of these forums, we ask that  that you refrain from offering mere opinions, speculations, and traditions. If you believe your interpretive claim to be valid, please express it in a clear manner that is non-accusatory and non-derogatory toward others. Also, in order to minimize the degree of subjectivity in responses, please substantiate any assertions beyond your own expertise and knowledge with standard reference sources (books, journals, commentaries, sermons, etc), logical arguments, and/or established interpretive principles that are found in exegetical and hermeneutical handbooks.

In addition, it is our policy that each guest have their own respective user account and to not share accounts and account login information (as outlined in the Terms and Conditions).

If you agree to these simple guidelines and desire to participate in these forums, then please register a user name and password and begin enjoying the community of truth-seekers who gather here to sharpen each other in their pursuit of the knowledge and understanding of God and his Word.

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